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Community Involvement

We fully believe in giving back and supporting local. We love our community and want to see it flourish now and in the future! Here are some of the organizations we support

SimpLea Produce

SimpLea Produce grows high quality hydroponic produce in their state of the art greenhouse. They employ people with disabilities, giving them the tools and opportunity to achieve success! 

Upstate Service Industry United
Meals To Go Program 
During quarantine when all restaurants were required to close down besides take out, our friends jumped into action because they knew how many people were out of work and struggling. Upstate Service Industry United was created in order to provide relief to out of work service industry workers. The nonprofit organized the "Meals To Go" program in conjunction with Dray Bar and Grill and Stone Pin to provide meals to the service industry workers in need. 
Scrub Bows
The Blood Connection
We have the Blood Connection come out to Dray Bar and Grill quarterly throughout the year. We know how many lives can be saved from donating blood and aim to save as many lives as possible!
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